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Webinar | MBA Skills Workshop: Essential Skills For The Modern Workplace

Wondering what's required to get ahead in the workplace today? What about five years from now? In this MBA skills workshop, we reveal the essential skills for the modern workplace


Tue Sep 24 2024

In a world that's increasingly driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies, how can you prepare to succeed in the modern workplace? 

In this BusinessBecause Presents webinar, delivered in partnership with the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), we uncover those key skills that you will need in the workplaces of today and the future. 

Ranging from humanistic to transversal skills, we also highlight how modern MBA programs, such as the IMD MBA, can help you develop a comprehensive skill set and prepare you for career success. 

To showcase these skills, BusinessBecause associate editor Matt Kefford spoke with Omar Toulan, IMD MBA dean and Hilti chair, professor of strategy and international management; and Marcella Rispo, IMD MBA recruitment and admissions manager. 

Key Takeaways from this webinar:

⇨ Discover the skills that are fundamental for success in the modern workplace, including transversal and humanistic skills

⇨ Gain an insight into an MBA program that's designed for the future, offering interdisciplinary learning and innovative technologies

⇨ Gain tips from an MBA admissions manager on how to successfully land a place on a modern MBA program