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Webinar | How To Kickstart Your Career In Finance

Planning for a career in finance? In this webinar we tell you all you need to know about how to kickstart your financial career

Considering a career in finance? In this BusinessBecause Presents webinar, we uncover all you need to know to kickstart your career in finance. 

This webinar is delivered in partnership with Trinity Business School

BusinessBecause spoke with faculty and alumni from Trinity's Master in Finance program. Samuel Vignes is director of the MSc in Finance, and Kate Burke is career support specialist on the program. Markus Sjöfors is manager at EY Insourcing Services, and Colleen Corcoran is corporate planning and investment manager at ORIX Aviation. Colleen and Markus graduated from the MSc in Finance in 2017. 

Key takeaways from this webinar:

→ Find out the top skills that employers are looking for and how to nail your job applications.

→ Learn how you could build your employment profile and grow your professional network by studying at triple accredited Trinity Business School. 

→ Put your questions to, and get them answered by, Trinity senior staff and MSc finance alumni in our dedicated Q&A session. 




