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Build Your Profile

Hiding behind the pseudonym “missionmba”, popular IIM (that’s Indian IT Male) blogger Amit Bhatnagar recently unveiled his true identity and news that he has a full scholarship to Emory University’s Goizueta School of Business. Here are his

By  Sunny Li

Sun Sep 13 2009

  1. You do need to have a good profile to get in. But bullet-points on your resume without any real passion for any of the activities may actually make you look bad.
  2. A simple rule for profile enhancement: identify your passions and strengths, follow them. Identify your weaknesses, address them.
  3. Show that you truly care about your alma mater. Interact with alumni.
  4. Identify your weaknesses and take conscious steps to address them. If you have zero international experience, consider taking up a second language because the schools you apply for might be concerned about your cultural sensitivity.
  5. Highlight extra curricular leadership, not just activities. Being just another member of the local NGO doesn’t count for a lot, but leading the membership drive or organizing a fundraising program for the same NGO means something.
  6. How can your experience benefit the school? Showcase your homework on the school.
  7. Building your profile just for the sake of MBA applications is a bit manipulative. Have a passion for your passion.


