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MBA Students Visit Chile And Singapore To Identify Emerging Markets For Global Companies

As part of their MBA, Georgetown McDonough Business School students traveled the world to consult on business strategies and emerging market opportunities at global companies


Thu May 4 2023


Gaining insights into global businesses and how to strategize market opportunities is a significant advantage of acquiring an MBA. 

Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business offers its students an in-depth understanding of global business concepts, through its Global Business Experience (GBE).  

Through the GBE, MBA students travel abroad on international consulting projects. The aim is for MBA students to become 'global-ready' leaders with first-hand experience in dealing with business challenges abroad.

Kofi Sakyi Jr and Luke McGinty of Georgetown’s Class of 2023 recently returned from Chile and Singapore, where they gained insight into the countries’ working environments and collaborated with executives from multinational organizations to address complex business challenges.

Starting on their global business journey 

For Kofi and Luke, the international business elements of McDonough's MBA were a draw when selecting the Washington DC business school.  

Kofi (pictured) enrolled in an MBA to pivot into asset management and learn about running large-scale businesses.  


His primary requirement was for the school to be situated in a globally known city where he could interact with people from across the world. Georgetown fitted these criteria perfectly, and the GBE was an added advantage. 

"I was absolutely looking for an international element to my MBA experience. While applying, I searched for schools that provided opportunities for students to study abroad or do consulting projects for companies globally," Kofi explains. 

Luke embarked on his MBA journey with an ambitious entrepreneurial venture in mind. He wanted to understand what it would take to build a successful company that could deliver real change in the world, and a global emphasis was essential to achieving this goal. 

"I've always been interested in international business and the way that business connects people across the world," Luke explains. "So when choosing an MBA program, an international focus was critical for me."

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Strategizing on global market opportunities 

Set up in small teams of varying backgrounds to tackle clients' needs better, McDonough MBA students spend several months preparing before traveling to the country where their company is located to implement actionable change.

Kofi's client was a Chilean wine company Estampa Winery, and his team of five came from consultancy, finance, and military backgrounds. 

The wine company's objective was to enter the US market, so Kofi’s team examined current US wine consumer preferences and identified trends in the market.  

Luke's team consisted of consultants, an infrastructure engineer, a financial technology expert, and two venture capitalists – including himself. 

His team’s project was designing a strategy for a Hitachi, sustainable energy company to enter Indonesia and provide renewable energy to remote island communities and industries. 

"We spent about two months becoming experts not just on the Indonesian economy but the energy sector and the specifics of what's possible with current technology," Luke explains. 

Both Luke and Kofi utilized the skills and knowledge they gained during their MBA to devise marketing strategies for their companies. 

"This project was a culmination of everything I learned in the MBA program. We made presentations to decision-makers at the company who were looking to us for expertise, and we helped them see opportunities in the market and areas of risk," Kofi says.


Embarking on the global business experience

After weeks of research and preparation, Luke and Kofi traveled to Singapore and Chile for a week-long trip to present recommendations to senior leadership. 

In Singapore, Luke (pictured) and his team had opportunities to meet with a global network of contacts, including Georgetown alumni and leaders in the Singaporean community, who were making technology investments in sustainability and food security. 


Hitachi also flew the MBA students to Indonesia so they could see exactly how the business functioned on the ground. 

"There's a lot you can learn in person that isn't possible through a screen. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience," Luke says.

When talking to people on the ground, Luke's team realized the Hitachi saw considerable opportunities in Indonesia, and their ambitions were extensive. 

"We told them to embrace that. They have world-leading frontier technology they can leverage. Now the challenge, and opportunity, is to become a leader in this new market, and really change what's possible on the ground in Indonesia," Luke says. 

In Chile, Kofi visited the Colchagua Valley, toured the vineyard, learned about the winemaking process, and had the opportunity to go into a copper mine and learn about the mining company's operations.

Kofi's team saw ample opportunities for the client to put its wine on US shelves. 

"We made recommendations on labeling and bottling, pricing, and discussed a go-to-market strategy. Our client has some very innovative technology that allows them to create different blends of wine while staying true to their sustainability initiatives," Kofi explains. 

 Having returned a few weeks ago, Kofi and Luke have reflected on their trips and how they have better prepared them for their future careers. 

"GBE helps you realize your potential, and it helps you see all the opportunities that exists in the world to create change and build connections," Luke says.

"The experience taught me that the research my team and I conducted and our recommendations mattered to our client. I realized that I was not just working on a project for class credit; I was working as part of a team to find a solution for a real company," Kofi says. 

"Ultimately, that is what many of us will be doing as we take the next step in our career journeys."

Student Reviews

Georgetown: McDonough School of Business





GWU - excellent investment for future

George Washington University is a good respected institution with strong programs in various studies, including project management, international affairs, politics, medicine and etc. The university provides students with good opportunities for internships and networking. GWU has a diverse student body and a reputation for academic excellence.




On Campus

Safety on campus

I have had an amazing experience at Georgetown University. The classes are enjoyable, the professors are exceptional, and I feel like I am receiving a worthwhile education. The people and faculty at this institution are extraordinary, and I have discovered my true self while being here. Additionally, I always feel secure on campus, as it is the safest place in town.




On Campus

Georgetown is on top!

I've been enjoying this school so far. I wouldn't alter it, despite the fact that the school is on a hill and that it requires a lot of walking to get around it. For minority and first-generation students, there are a ton of services available. Even though the usual dorm rooms are modest, there is still plenty of area for storage. We have a ton of alternatives every day in the dining halls since they provide so many different dishes from so many different cultures




On Campus

Physical and mental health

Georgetown is my second home. The pre-professional counselors are incredibly helpful, and I feel supported and inspired to pursue my aspirations. We are certainly ranked as the top research university in the nation. They place a high priority on the development of the students as well as their physical and mental well-being.




On Campus

Wonderful university

Georgetown University is wonderful. The school's amazing diversity is one of its greatest strengths. The athletes are extremely committed to their sport, and the campus is amazing. The dorms are excellent! They are comfortable and spacious. If you ever find yourself bored on campus, you can always go off campus; it's fantastic. You'll never get bored dining in the cafeteria because the food is so delicious on campus.




On Campus


The university's academics are what really set it apart; the lecturers are kind and motivating. Although it can be challenging to connect with the majority of students because they are so intense and competitive, social life and student life are what you make of them. It is undoubtedly a very difficult four years that are challenging to get through. But in the end, it strengthens you and provides you with a wealth of knowledge and incredible prospects.




On Campus

Fantastic university

Georgetown university is a Fantastic university. The professors are outstanding, there are lots of ways to participate in campus life, and there are numerous groups and organizations where students can get involved. The campus is lovely and always kept clean, and there are people are willing to assist you 24 hours a day whenever you need help.




On Campus

Review of Georgetown university

Being at Georgetown university has been one of my best experiences. The Professors are knowledgeable, approachable, and very helpful. You will fall in love with Georgetown because of its daily activities, the vibrant students you will encounter, the food served on campus, and the lush surroundings. The housing and dorms are fantastic. There is no better place than Georgetown University if you’re looking to study, discover new things, make lifelong friends, and have fun!




On Campus

Academically challenging institution

Georgetown University is certainly an academically challenging institution, however, if you ask for assistance when you need it, the workload can be managed. Students are happy to assist one another, and most Professor want you to succeed. Student life is vibrant, the location is excellent and everyone here is friendly and welcoming.




On Campus

4 Years as an Expat at Georgetown University

Georgetown University provided an exceptional environment for my academic journey as an expat from Italy. As someone who initially felt apprehensive about moving to a new country, Georgetown quickly alleviated my concerns and made my transition incredibly smooth. One of the standout features of Georgetown is its diverse and welcoming community, particularly for international students. The campus is teeming with students from various corners of the globe, fostering a rich cultural tapestry that made me feel right at home. The vibrant campus life and numerous extracurricular activities offered ample opportunities to connect with fellow students, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling university experience. Georgetown's unique setting within the heart of Washington, DC, adds another layer to its charm. While the university is situated in the bustling city, the campus in the historic area of Georgetown provides a distinct and almost intimate atmosphere. This blend creates a truly unique feel and contributes to an unforgettable educational experience. Initially enrolled in the College with a desire to major in Linguistics and minor in Art & Journalism, I appreciated the flexibility and openness of the Georgetown education system. After my freshman year, I discovered my true passion lay in Marketing and International Business. The university's seamless transfer process allowed me to transition to the McDonough Business School, where I found the perfect fit for my academic aspirations. Georgetown's commitment to helping students explore and find their academic niche is indeed one of its most commendable qualities. The ability to explore various subjects before settling on a major is a testament to the university's dedication to fostering individual growth and success. The journey from Linguistics to Marketing & International Business exemplifies the beauty of a Georgetown education — a dynamic and supportive environment where students can discover and pursue their true passions. In conclusion, Georgetown University provided not only a top-notch academic education but also a transformative and enriching experience. From the welcoming international community to the unique campus setting and the flexibility to explore diverse academic paths, Georgetown stands out as a beacon of higher education that truly caters to the individual journey of each student.




On Campus

My experience at Georgetown university

My time at Georgetown University has been an incredibly enriching and transformative experience. From the moment I stepped onto campus, it was clear that Georgetown offers a unique blend of rigorous academics, vibrant community, and unparalleled opportunities. Academic Excellence: The academic environment at Georgetown is nothing short of exceptional. The faculty members are not only experts in their fields but are also deeply committed to student success. Their passion for teaching and mentoring has been instrumental in my academic growth. The curriculum is challenging yet rewarding, fostering critical thinking and a global perspective that is essential in today’s world. The emphasis on interdisciplinary studies allowed me to explore a range of subjects and develop a well-rounded understanding of complex issues. Campus Life: Georgetown’s campus life is vibrant and inclusive. The sense of community is palpable, with a diverse range of student organizations, events, and activities that cater to a variety of interests. From engaging in thought-provoking discussions in seminars to participating in lively campus traditions, there’s never a dull moment. The university’s location in Washington, D.C., provides countless opportunities for internships, networking, and real-world experiences, further enriching the college experience. Facilities and Resources: The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities that enhance both academic and extracurricular pursuits. The libraries, research centers, and study spaces are well-equipped and conducive to learning. Additionally, the campus itself is beautiful and historic, offering a serene and inspiring environment for students. Support and Community: One of the standout aspects of Georgetown is the strong sense of community and support. The university fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, creating a nurturing environment where students can thrive. The dedication to student well-being is evident in the various support services available, from academic advising to mental health resources.