The competition was held from 7 to 9 June 2012 at London Business School. The competition kicked off with an elevator pitch, a quick-fire session lasting three minutes. Successful teams were then invited to the semi-finals to spend 30 minutes presenting a business plan and answering the judges questions.
AgriCircle is the team that won the prize for the best elevator pitch, knocking out fourteen other ideas. Their company uses online technologies to provide services such as group buying to farmers in Europe. The team is made up of Simon Wolpert, Peter Fröhlich, Daniel Markward and Nitin Misra.
The EBPYC was founded by INSEAD and London Business School, and has now run for 20 years. Competition director Jeff Skinner said that most people who win go on to start their own ventures.
AgriCircle made the finals and came out in fourth place overall. This hasn't deterred the team who have carried on working on their plan. When we spoke to Daniel recently, he said they were busy with plans to pitch to more investors!
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