Recognizing the need for more sustainability-focused teaching, Neoma business school is set to launch a new Specialized Master’s degree in Sustainability Transformation in 2023.
The program will launch as a dual degree option with the Master in Management (MiM). Neoma preceded the launch by introducing a new sustainability transformation track within the Master’s in Management program in September 2022.
Who is it for?
The Neoma MSc in Sustainability Transformation is aimed at students with a four-year bachelor’s degree or master’s degree. You can also apply if you have a three-year bachelor’s degree and one year of work experience.
Whether you have a background in science, technology, or political science, Neoma is looking for people who have an appetite to be involved in the sustainable transformation of tomorrow’s businesses.
“We want to target young people who are motivated by the desire to carry out impact actions to support the transformation of companies in the face of the climate emergency and societal challenges,” explains Celine Davesne, Neoma’s associate dean for programs and international affairs.
Delphine Manceau (left), dean of Neoma Business School, and Céline Davesne (right), associate dean for programs and international affairs
Neoma MSc in Sustainability Transformation | Curriculum
Students joining the Master’s in Sustainability Transformation in 2023 will begin by learning about the complexities that lie within the issue of sustainable transition. They’ll also develop the key skills needed to deploy sustainable strategies.
Core modules cover themes such as responsible supply chain, energy procurement, responsible human resources, green marketing, responsible finance, circular economy, and business ethics.
The MSc in Sustainability Transformation is designed with two key goals: to provide students with the skills to decarbonize business models and to change management practices internally to ensure sustainable business goals are met.
“This multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary teaching approach will enable young graduates to effectively lead the ecological transformation of organizations,” says Celine.
Students will be working closely with companies from a wide range of sectors like agri-food, auditing, or energy. This aims to help them understand the diversity of issues and challenges they will face in careers related to sustainable development.
“We hope to empower students and enhance their self-confidence in feeling as though they can change things from within,” says Delphine Manceau, dean of Neoma Business School.
“More students at NEOMA are going into NGOs and nonprofits,” Delphine adds, “we’re working closely with such companies to provide students with the adequate experience to work in these different legal structures.”
Neoma MSc | Careers
Sustainability-focused roles are growing exponentially and becoming an ever-expanding area in business.
Celine identifies three main career paths she expects Master’s in Sustainability Transformation students to follow after they graduate.
Sustainability consultants are those who work with businesses to identify policies and processes that could promote organizational growth whilst minimizing the environmental impact as much as possible. Sustainability consultants identify areas where energy can be better optimized and carry out research and recommend technologies that are cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable.
Students will also develop the skills to become sustainable analysts, working in firms to aid them with their overall strategic missions ensuring they are reducing their carbon impact while maintaining sustainable growth.
The skills required to be a sustainable analyst will be in high demand in all functions within an organization, says Celine, including marketing, supply chain, and finance.
A common career path for business school students is to become entrepreneurs. Master's in Sustainability Transformation will be well-equipped to start their own businesses but with a sustainable business model and a low-carbon strategy from the outset.
“Just as the ‘Born Global’ entrepreneurial projects were created immediately with an internationalisation logic, our MSc will enable young entrepreneurs to set up ‘Born Sustainable’ structures,” says Celine.
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Why a Master’s in Sustainability Transformation?
There has never been a more important time to introduce sustainability measures in business. Today, companies around the world are striving to meeting new governmental regulations to reduce emissions and help prevent global warming from exceeding the 1.5C COP26 target.
“There has been a growing awareness around the climate emergency, and it has become imperative that organizations address the issue and do their part in reducing their emissions,” says Celine.
Sustainability-focused jobs are growing in demand and future business leaders must learn the skills and knowledge to deal with the challenges presented by the climate emergency.
If you’re looking to make an impact and launch a career in sustainable business, applications to the Neoma MSc in Sustainability Transformation are open until mid-July 2023. Tuition fees will cost $14,800 (€15,100) per year.
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