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ESADE Student Creates TukTam, A Platform for Young Bulgarians to Connect for Good

Hristo Boyadzhiev is on the ESADE MSc in International Management


Mon Mar 5 2012

Hristo Boyadzhiev’s greatest passion is to change Bulgaria by engaging its youth to step up and uncover their potential. This is the task he’s preparing himself for on the ESADE MSc. International Management.

The 26 year old was born in the capital city of Bulgaria, Sofia, and lived there until he left for College at Kogod School of Business at American University in Washington DC, USA. There, he gained his Bachelors in Business Administration with specializations in Marketing and Information Systems Technologies.

On graduation, Hristo moved back to Sofia where he worked at the consulting practice of Deloitte for about nine months before moving to the position of a Financial Analyst at the Bulgarian Energy Holdings. Right after returning home, Hristo and his friends started Tuk-Tam, a social and information network for Bulgarians who have studied or worked abroad and want to engage in building a better Bulgaria.

Tuk-Tam which means, “We’re here - We’re there”, was founded in 2008 and has worked to create a space where people can get together to participate in or organize various socially responsible projects, charity and volunteer work and other community development projects.

One of Tuk-Tam’s emphases is supporting career development through establishing contacts, sharing experiences and developing common interests. Recently Tuk-Tam organized a careers fair that attracted oer 3,000 people and 130 companies to its four sessions, said Hristo.

Hristo wanted to to complement his practical work experience with studying for an MSc, so he chose ESADE. He also had offers from HEC Paris and Cass Business School but when he received the offer of a 75% tuition scholarship award, Hristo was persuaded. Hristo also felt he would be “stimulated” and rewarded with new knowledge that he can feed into fulfilling his vision for Tuk-Tam and beyond.

Being at ESADE allows Hristo to tap into the Spanish and Catalonian cultures, something that has fascinated him for a while. He’s taken strategy courses in international businessand  marketing and recognises how this knowledge will be key to taking Tuk-Tam forward.

Hristo mentioned that the opportunity to go on exchange to Singapore and visit Cambodia and Thailand really gave him perspective on doing business in different societies, something crucial to achieving the kind of progress he wants to see in Bulgaria.

Hristo has plans to make Tuk-Tam, "Completely self-sustainable and encourage people to organize projects based on their own ideas, using Tuk-Tam as a support network, a resource mine or for financial supports”, says Hristo.

In the meantime, Hristo is spending time in the vibrant city of Barcelona, and when he isn't in class he is perfecting his Spanish. 



