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How To Boost Your MBA Scholarship Potential—In 5 Simple Steps

Want an MBA but unsure about how to finance it? An MBA scholarship can help you. Here's five tips for increasing your chances of landing a lucrative scholarship


Mon Oct 25 2021

Melissa Rapp’s favourite part of her job is telling students they’ve  just been awarded an MBA scholarship. Some cry, some shout, and some are left speechless.

As associate dean of admissions at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, Melissa gets to call the successful applicants every year. “It’s a glorious day for myself and my team, hearing that joy and excitement,” she says. 

Over half of the incoming class at Goizueta receive one of the school's merit-based scholarships, which are aimed at various communities including Hispanic Americans, LGBT+ students, and women. 

BusinessBecause caught up with Melissa as well as Patrick Kelley, a student in the full-time MBA program at Goizueta and recipient of the Reaching Out LGBT+ MBA fellowship, to find out how you can boost your chances of securing a scholarship. Here are five of their top tips.

1. Think ahead

Obtaining an MBA scholarship is a long-term game, and it starts by acquiring the kind of experience that will make your application stand out. 

“People who are really early in the process have an opportunity to commit themselves to things outside of work to show their community engagement, and to look for opportunities to take on leadership roles within organizations that they've been a part of,” Melissa says. 

So before you apply for a scholarship, curate your MBA profile by volunteering, embracing more responsibilities at work, or even launching your own initiative. 

2. Be proactive

As you build up the necessary experience, do your research on what kind of MBA scholarships are available to you. 

“Being confident and asking for what you want is a big part of it,” says Patrick (pictured below), who didn’t know he was even eligible for a scholarship before he inquired about it. 

Patrick’s scholarship, sponsored by Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA), is designed to increase the influence of LGBTQ individuals in MBA programs. Recipients get a minimum of $20,000 to help pay for tuition fees as well as access to an exclusive leadership program. 

Once you’ve identified the MBA scholarship opportunities you can turn to, make sure to apply early. As Melissa explains, 80% of the class has already been assembled by the third round of admissions, which means the majority of the scholarship budget is gone. 


3. Reach out to alumni and admissions teams 

A big part of the MBA experience is building your network and learning how to connect with people. So when doing your research, don’t forget to reach out. 

You might learn valuable information about the application process from alumni of your target school and former recipients of the MBA scholarship you’re aiming for.

“People are very willing to have those conversations with you and walk you through the experience,” Patrick says. 

Patrick would also recommend getting in touch with admissions directors. “They want to connect with their future students,” he says. “Especially at Goizueta, the class size is very small so the faculty have a lot of bandwidth to have those conversations.”

4. Sell yourself, but don’t overdo it

“This is not a time to be modest,” Melissa says. “I know that candidates sometimes have trouble expressing accomplishments or positioning their experience in ways that really highlights what they've done, but this is the time to do that.”

Melissa recommends using all of your best stories about prior leadership experience and career achievements, and really trying to sell yourself as best you can. However, be careful not to come across as entitled. 

“There’s this fine line between promoting yourself and taking for granted that you deserve a scholarship,” Melissa explains. “We deal every year with a very highly qualified pool of candidates, so it's not a given.”

5. Be authentic

The best way to make your profile stand out among this talented pool of applicants is to be genuine. 

“Just be yourself, and be as authentic as you can be in your admissions essays and your interviews,” Patrick advises. “Think about what you're passionate about and what you care about, and try to make that mesh with the values of the university you're applying to.”

By getting an insight into who you are and the things that matter most to you, the university can figure out if you’d be a good fit. 

“Make sure that in your application we can see that you want to be a part of the community and that you've thought about ways you'll make an impact,” Melissa says. 

“The scholarships that we offer are an investment in people who we see as being committed to the Goizueta mission, which is to teach principled leaders to make an impact on business and society,” she adds. 

Ultimately, the university wants to know whether you are the kind of person they want to invest in. If you follow those five steps, you’ll increase your chances of being that candidate. 

Student Reviews

Emory University Goizueta Business School




On Campus

Excellent institution with valuable resources

In general, Emory University is an excellent institution with valuable resources. The majority of the professors I encountered were outstanding and displayed a genuine concern for their students. Furthermore, Atlanta provides a plethora of opportunities and experiences.




On Campus

Pleasant weather, campus and professors

Emory enjoys pleasant weather for the most part, with warmth and mild conditions. The only drawback is the spring season, particularly due to the heavy pollen presence. Everything becomes coated in layers of pollen, which can be problematic for allergy sufferers. Fortunately, this pollen season is relatively short-lived. During the spring and fall, the weather can be quite unpredictable, swinging from scorching heat to chilly temperatures. You'll often find students relaxing or studying outdoors on campus with Professors ever ready to attend to students personally.




On Campus

Outstanding academics

At Emory, the academics are outstanding! It takes a lot of effort and commitment, but the results are well worth it. Teachers are very approachable and like answering inquiries from students. Nobody ever turning away a student that I know of. The campus is beautiful and tidy at Emory, with many places to relax and study.




On Campus

Academic performance surpassed my expectations

Emory University's academic performance surpassed my expectations. Achieving good grades often requires substantial effort, and the academic rigor varies depending on your chosen major. Nevertheless, I encountered highly knowledgeable professors, well-equipped to teach their respective courses. Emory offers a wide range of subject areas to choose from, providing students with diverse academic opportunities.




On Campus

Outstanding institution with stunning aesthetics

Emory University is an outstanding institution! The campus boasts stunning aesthetics, the individuals are friendly, and there is an abundance of activities available in the surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia. Undoubtedly, my most cherished aspect of Emory was its people. I forged numerous friendships and encountered individuals from diverse backgrounds. Academically, Emory provides a manageable experience. The majority of my professors were excellent, although, as is the case with any university, there may be certain classes or professors that one may not enjoy. Nevertheless, conducting some inquiries and perusing online reviews should provide a fairly accurate insight into what to anticipate in each class.




On Campus

Professors skilled in interactive discussions

I take great pleasure in the small class sizes and the professors' skill in creating interactive discussions. The professors demonstrate a strong enthusiasm for their subjects, consistently making the course content fascinating. Moreover, I am captivated by the beautiful campus, and its location is equally appealing.




On Campus

Exceptional faculty members

Emory University takes pride in its exceptional faculty members who are highly educated and committed to utilizing innovative and successful teaching techniques.It is widely recognized for its extensive research endeavors, offering students a wide-ranging knowledge foundation that can be readily applied to a variety of academic disciplines.




On Campus

Review of Emory university

The Professors are awesome and you get a lot of opportunities to get involved both on and off Campus. The campus is very lovely. The community of people are welcoming, super nice, and entertaining. The dining halls have popular music from throughout the decade playing and the overall atmosphere is super relaxing and enjoyable.




On Campus


Emory is an amazing campus and a school with a nice social scene. I always wanted to see what it was like living in the states and this made it happen. Loving making new friends, acquaintances and some for life bonds as well as learning new subject every week. Emory is a great choice.




On Campus

Professors are always enthusiastic

Emory University is simply outstanding. They have excellent academic programmes with a vast selection of engaging courses. The instructors are extremely informed and enthusiastic about their subject matter. Additionally, the student support services are excellent. They have advisors that help you at every stage and offer resources for career counselling, mental health support, and tutoring. Emory genuinely cares about your prosperity and welfare. This university is fascinating and forward-thinking at the same time!




On Campus

Lending a helping hand

The instructors at Emory University are redefining what it means to be helpful. They support us academically and serve as supporters, mentors, and confidants in addition to being educators. They are always there to provide advice and support, whether it is by remaining after class to address unanswered questions or by getting together for coffee on the weekends to talk about our professional goals. Their commitment to our achievement goes well beyond the school day, demonstrating time and again that students at Memory are people with dreams, not just a name. It's all possibilities when you have instructors like these.




On Campus

Exceptional mentorship

Emory University is a refuge for both intellectual prowess and individual development. These instructors motivate students in addition to instructing. They go above and above to make sure every student succeeds, offering anything from spontaneous office hours to late-night emails that explain difficult subjects. Their commitment to us doesn't stop in the classroom; they support and encourage us as we overcome both academic and personal obstacles. In addition to being competent, Emory's faculty members have a personal stake in our success, both within and outside the classroom. Emory stands out for the kind of help he provides.