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Companies With Four Day Work Weeks You Could Apply To Today

Dreaming of three-day weekends? From multi-million dollar companies like Bolt to fintech startups, here are some of the most exciting companies offering a four day week

Fri Jul 19 2024

The working week has been a hot topic in the business world of late, with a growing number of political campaigners, companies, and employees advocating for a four-day shift. But what’s wrong with five? 

Well, in many ways, the five-day work-stint is actually the anomaly. In fact, it’s standardization in the West is often accredited to Henry Ford, who was one of the first employers to implement the forty-hour, five-day work week in his motor company in 1926—famously writing: “Just as the eight-hour day opened our way to prosperity in America, so the five-day workweek will open our way to still greater prosperity.”

It’s clear that Ford’s aim was to maximize profits and to increase productivity. However, this didn’t necessarily keep employees’ work-life balance in mind. Nor did it factor in the massive societal changes that would later occur (particularly a global pandemic). 

Well, despite Ford’s century-old prediction, research increasingly shows that making the shift to a four-day working week can have unprecedented benefits for both companies and staff. 

In 2023, the UK think-tank Autonomy Research conducted the world’s largest four-day week trial, in which it surveyed 61 companies which had introduced the shorter week. The report found that not only were employees happier, organizations were frequently more productive, more efficient, and had a higher level of staff retention. 

As proof of the trial’s success, almost 90% of the companies that took part in the trial are still practicing the four-day week a year later, with over half making it a permanent policy. What’s more, even beyond the UK, it’s currently estimated that the number of four-day week companies has increased by 100 since 2020.

Convinced by the four-day revolution? If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of a year-round long weekend, then have a look at our list of top four-day companies hiring business grads: 


You may know Bolt for its easy-to-rent scooters and cab-hailing service, but this four-billion-dollar fintech company is looking to revolutionize more than just transport.

Founded in San Francisco in 2014, Bolt has been a trailblazer in a number of sectors—not least in its efforts to democratize commerce by making it easier for traditionally brick-and-mortar companies to take ownership of their own e-sales. 

So, it’s not surprising that Bolt has also become one of the first companies to introduce the much-lauded four-day week. In 2021, the company trialed the new setup for three months, to such overwhelmingly positive results it made the official switchover to four days in 2022. 

Some of the roles available for business grads include joining as an account manager, a business development manager, a data analyst, or a marketing specialist. 


A US-based crowdfunding platform for creatives, Kickstarter has raised millions of dollars for projects, including the Exploding Kittens card game and the famous VR headset, Oculus. 

The firm has also been a pioneer of the four-day week. Kickstarter began trialing the 32-hour workweek in 2022, with employees still receiving the same pay and expected to output the same work. It was, invariably, a success, with the company now having made the permanent move to free Fridays.

Kickstarter offers a multitude of roles in management, including business development, operations management, and project management.   

Elephant Venture Capital

It’s a venture capital firm that focuses on using technology to build digital tools and platforms—and that also offers its employees a three-day weekend.

However, unlike other companies that have moved to a 32-hour-week model, Elephant Venture Capital still requires employees to work 40-hour weeks, just divided over fewer days instead. Since making the move, the company has seen a 20 to 30% increase in productivity.

The company offers business roles in areas such as strategy and management. 


A social media management company, Buffer is already ahead of the work-trend curve through measures such as offering fully remote positions and publicly posting its employees’ salaries. 

In 2021, the firm trialed a four-day work week and found, according to a survey of its own employees, that 84% were able to get all their required tasks completed within the shorter time frame. On the back of its own findings, it has now made the permanent transition to a four-day model. 

The company offers a variety of roles that business graduates can apply to, including in areas like marketing management. 

Springbok AI 

Founded in 2017, this innovative consulting company provides a platform that allows users to share reusable Generative AI tools and prompts. 

It’s also one of the few consulting companies to offer a four-day week, which is difficult in an industry that requires its employees to be able to keep up with their clients demands round the clock. 

After conducting a year-long trial over 2023, the company found there was a significant uptick in both productivity and employee wellbeing. Interested b-school grads could find jobs with Springbok AI in areas including marketing and managerial roles. 

So, there you have it, these are just some of the most exciting four-week companies offering roles in consulting, finance, and management.