Germany is growing more popular as a business education destination for European students. According to the 2010 GMAC European trends survey, Germany, which wasn't even among the top ten destinations for European students applying to business school in 2006, is now placed sixth.
One of the reasons for this increasing popularity is probably Germany’s solid economy: GDP growth hit 1.5% in the first quarter of this year, surpassing the pre-crisis growth of 2008. The country is experiencing a so-called second economic miracle, with unemployment rate down to 7%, compared to 8.5% last year.
So what are the top business schools in Germany? Well, a couple of recent German rankings shed some light. According to the business magazine WirtschaftsWoche’s university ranking, Mannheim Business School is Germany’s top business school, followed by Munich Business School (MBS), Cologne Business School, the Münster School of Business and Economics, and Vallendar Business School.
And let's not forget EBS Business School just outside of Frankfurt. The relatively young school was placed 6th in the WirtschaftsWoche’s ranking and is widely rated as one of Germany's best private university for business studies.
EBS was also placed 5th in CHE University Ranking, the most comprehensive and detailed ranking in German-speaking countries, including over three-hundred universities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and The Netherlands.
It’s quite an achievement as private schools have traditionally taken a back seat to Germany’s vaunted public universities.
But with English-language programs and an international outlook and student body, these schools are coming into their own helping ambitious young professionals from outside Germany get a foothold in the booming local economy. EBS Business School ha s a`6-month “Gateway to Germany” MBA.
EBS was recently voted the favourite German b-school among global recruiters and is a regular hiring ground for firms like ZS Associates, Nomura and Procter & Gamble.
You can find out more about EBS Business School by visiting their page on BusinessBecause and if you’re interested in finding out more about business schools rankings, check out our Compare MBA page!