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Melbourne MBAs Land Jobs At Top Firms Like Microsoft & Accenture—Here's How

Find out how Melbourne Business School MBAs are landing jobs at some of the world’s top companies, including Microsoft and Accenture, with help from the school's top ranked careers center


Tue Jan 26 2021


MBA graduates from Melbourne Business School (MBS) are securing jobs at top global companies like Microsoft and Accenture, with 95% of students in 2019 accepting offers within three months of graduation.

One of the driving factors behind this success is the school’s highly ranked careers center, ranked among the best in the world by the Financial Times, which has helped grads secure roles with world renowned companies like Microsoft and Accenture, as well as local companies like Innovior. 

But what exactly does MBS do to prepare students to impress recruiters? And what is it about Melbourne’s careers center which sees grads securing roles at some of the world’s leading companies?

BusinessBecause spoke to John Gurskey, director of client and career development at MBS to find out.  

Tailored careers support 

MBS give students the best chance at successfully finding a job by providing extensive careers support, tailored to each student from the beginning of the course. 

Students are assigned a careers coach, with experience in recruitment and headhunting, who understands what employers are looking for. 

In one-to-one training sessions, coaches cover all the steps students will need to take to secure a job, establishing a plan of what each MBA wants to achieve by the end of their course and mapping out a route to get there. 


“It’s about helping them figure out what they need to do, when they need to do it, and what any alternative paths may be,” John says. 

Alongside this individual support, MBA students undertake core careers classes which prepare them for the job market by giving them advice and support, as well as opportunities to gain real world experience. 

Students begin this pathway within the Personal Effectiveness Program, where they are taught soft skills such as writing CVs, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, and how to network and perform in interviews. 

The incoming class of 2022 will also take part in an immersive business experience—a new eight to 10 week program which sees them working in teams within Australian companies to solve specific business problems they are facing.

Following this experience, a four week, full-time, paid internship with either the same company or a new firm, gives students a chance to implement what they have learned within the workplace. 

This experience focused approach means recruiters can be sure Melbourne MBAs are capable of excelling within high intensity working environments, and has proved successful with grads having secured jobs in 84 countries across the globe.

Companies hiring Melbourne MBAs


Helping to build a network

Research suggests as many as 80% of jobs are filled through personal networks, making connecting with others an essential part of any job search. 

MBS students are able to tap into the school’s extensive industry network, which includes 10,000 alumni working within Australia and across the globe who are capable of offering support and advice as well as opportunities to expand their network.

“We find that alumni are super supportive and more than willing to help current students that are trying to make that transition,” says John. The first hand knowledge and support they can provide gives students the best opportunities to go on and secure roles, particularly if a student wants to change function or industry.

“You have to be connected with those individuals who can help show your value and be your advocate within the organisations you want to work for,” he says.  

MBS also regularly invites companies to give presentations and lectures throughout the course, giving students a chance to connect with potential employers and understand what they look for in new hires. These events also allow students to gain a better understanding of which companies they are most interested in. 

For all students, making use of these opportunities is essential, John believes. 

“In Australia the vast majority of jobs, although they might be advertised, are filled through networks, and as visa rules get more strict around the world your ability to be as close to the hiring managers and decision makers in your target companies is absolutely critical,” he explains.  

“The students that go and execute a really good networking plan are the ones who land jobs in the end.”


A proactive approach to hiring

The relationships between the MBS careers center and recruiters is one of the most important factors when securing jobs for students. 

Melbourne’s careers center establishes close relationships with recruiting companies to ensure they know exactly what they are looking for. 

“We sit down with firms and ask them what’s going wrong in their company, what critical skill sets are they looking for, and where is their business growing,” John says. 

“We do this to try to figure out if we have a talent solution to solve the problem they are facing.” 

Having this proactive approach means recruiters are instantly provided with MBS candidates who are tailored to suit their companies, meaning they don’t have to sift through hundreds of CVs to find suitable candidates. 

“We see our job as partnering with businesses to give them solutions, and they really appreciate that we will sit down and partner with them in that way.” 

Ultimately though, while the careers center places MBS students in the best possible position to find a job, candidates must be well prepared and have the dedication and resilience to adapt when things don’t go to plan, John believes. 

“They own their job search and they are ultimately responsible for making it happen”. 




