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Meet The Indian Entrepreneur Taking His Business Global After An MBA

Gaurav Singhal has been an entrepreneur since 2007. After enrolling on the MBA at Aston Business School, he’s taking his latest business global


Mon Sep 14 2020



Taking the business global 

Gaurav says he’s always had a passion for home decoration and interiors, and is confident his time at Aston has helped him build his business into more of an international empire. Six years after the launch of his latest business, G Decor deals with customers across Europe, the US, and soon Australia.  

Headquartered in the UK, Gaurav has settled after his time at Aston, and is enjoying operating his business outside of India. The business has over 300 registered designs and is growing quickly across Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.  


“I love the opportunities I have to be creative through the business. We invest a lot of time into designing products with natural materials, he explains.  

But what does it take to make it as an entrepreneur 

“The biggest misunderstanding is that you need to have a lot of money to be a successful entrepreneur. And that’s not true. You can make it happen through investors, and so on,” Gaurav concludes. 

“But I think the most important thing to have in order to be a successful entrepreneur is the right mindset. You need to constantly be evaluating and evolving yourself and your business. You need to be a problem-solver and solution-finder.”