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This Mobile Gaming CEO Heads Up A Top International MBA Program

Heard of Plants vs Zombies? Leo Liu became a leading figure in the Chinese mobile gaming industry after his MBA. Now, he’s returned to shake up the HKU-Fudan IMBA as its new director


Thu Sep 24 2020


“Unlike most MBA students, I didn’t switch job right after graduation. However, the international business language I learned from the IMBA helped me a lot when I left The9, a Chinese company, and joined PopCap, a global company.

“The gaming industry is a perfect balance between art, technology, and business. Gaming industry professionals should consider studying an MBA to help them reach that balance.”

Leo went on to become an angel investor focused on high-potential tech startups and became involved in the HKU-Fudan IMBA, lecturing and interviewing candidates.

12 years and a full Chinese zodiac cycle after graduating from the IMBA, he decided to return on a full-time basis. He’s following a family tradition, he says; his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were all teachers.


What next for the HKU-Fudan IMBA?

The HKU-Fudan IMBA is centered around the idea of ‘global vision, local mission’. Courses, like Glocal Management, give students a deep understanding of both business in China and how to manage across countries and cultures, and faculty come from international backgrounds.

Leo aims to involve more experts from industry in the program with real-life business experience in both China and the West. Already, students go on company visits to startups and multinational organizations in Shanghai, including PopCap.

Leo says the program will also focus more on looking at business through a big data lens—teaching students how to use data analysis as an everyday tool—and building sustainable businesses.

While the coronavirus outbreak closed business school campuses earlier this year, the plan is to welcome IMBA students on campus at Fudan this fall. Fudan's campus is already open with classes operating as normal (pictured below).
