Whether you’re looking to keep track of current affairs, entertaining commentary on sports or news, or just to stare at adorable photos of animals, Twitter has it all.
It’s also the place to keep up with the best business news—all the most respected business schools are on the platform, giving you the low-down on new research, alumni news, and the latest school updates.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a list of the top 20 most-followed schools on Twitter is a very American affair. Though a few European schools still sneak into the top 20, it reads almost identically to an academic ranking, so no prizes for guessing who makes the top five!
Without further ado, here are the most-followed business schools on Twitter, and why you should be following them.
20. Duke University Fuqua School of Business @DukeFuqua (28.9k followers)
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Duke Fuqua has only recently overhauled its MBA program curriculum, and its Twitter feed reflects this quest for innovation and advancement.
Offering insights into community work in the local area of Durham, North Carolina, updates on faculty research, and a wonderful—though infrequent—#doggiesofduke photo, their feed is varied enough to provide something new each day.
19. Virginia Darden School of Business @DardenMBA (30.2k followers)
© Darden via Facebook
Though one of the more intermittent tweeters on the list, the account for the Darden School does offer some interesting insights into their MBA program, including highlighting a regular ‘MBA of the week’, where you can see where alumni are finding work post-business school, and how current students are experiencing the program.
18. Dartmouth Tuck School of Business @TuckSchool (33.4k followers)
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Tuck’s feed is firmly in the category of ‘professional and informative’ Twitter accounts. Follow the school for the latest research and opinion pieces from professors, some of which have been featured by the likes of NBC news and Harvard Business Review.
17. NYU Stern School of Business @NYUStern (38.2k followers)
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Largely showcasing thought-provoking research pieces from NYU Stern professors, this account is the place to go if you’re looking for interesting thought pieces on politics, popular culture, and technology.
Recent articles include an investigation into Donald Trump’s body language and investigating the market consequences of Tesla’s solar-powered roof tiles—all varied stuff.
16. Georgetown McDonough School of Business @msbgu (42.8k followers)
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With a location conveniently close to Washington DC, you’d expect students to get out and about pretty often at McDonough, and you can see exactly what students are getting up to during their MBA journey on the school’s Twitter feed—useful for applicants looking to get an inside look at the program.
15. ESADE Business School @ESADE (46k followers)
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Ranked the 15th best business school in Europe by the Financial Times last year, you’d expect this Spanish school’s feed to be full of insightful articles. Follow them for student interviews and highlights from staff research including talks from MBA students at the latest ESADE Tech Talks event.
14. Yale School of Management @YaleSOM (49.4k followers)