He believes that Imperial MBAs can benefit not just from their peers and management faculty, but from the university’s wider expertise in science, engineering and technology. For him, it is this interdisciplinary approach that makes Imperial stand out.
He began the MBA after a lengthy career at one of Europe’s leading aerospace companies, with a career spanning years and world regions including the Europe, the Middle East and North America.
He feels that the European aerospace industry is in good health, and after the MBA plans to work in a commercial role that will allow him to leverage his past experience, as well as the soft and technical skills he is developing at Imperial.
Why did you decide to begin an MBA program?
I felt it was necessary to equip myself with advanced business competencies: to learn about the latest trends in strategy and finance, connect with a lifelong network of excellence and to stand proud in the global market.
I believe the MBA will give me a helicopter view of business management.
My family and friends thought I was mad when I discussed the ambition… But I wanted to broaden my horizons, polish my commercial skills and enhance my professional profile.
An MBA represents the type of degree capable of providing anyone with a passport for change.
You've studied in Italy. Why was the UK an attraction destination?
I wanted this year to be a comprehensive life-experience; complete the program but also live in one of the most vibrant capitals in the world.
It [London] is the most influential business hub in Europe, one of the most prominent financial centers in the world and it offers everything you could ask for: theatre, museum, sport, food [and] galleries.
Italian universities provide students with very solid foundations but the teaching method still lacks practical application. I was looking for an experiential type of course, and from what I have seen so far at Imperial it has not let me down. Our classes are very interactive, essentially based on case studies.
What made Imperial stand out as a business school?
The culture and the strong reputation. The sense of being part of a world renowned, international academic institution with real impact on science, business and society makes the difference. The sense of affiliation is massive, the business school does not operate in isolation, but leverages on the networks and interdisciplinary expertise of Imperial College London.
The business school is very focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and strategic design. Students are stimulated and encouraged to experiment on how to bring new ideas to market.
The way the MBA program is packaged is extremely well organized. The structure makes the program compact and intense, which results in an overall compelling and absorbing learning experience.
What has the MBA experience been like so far at Imperial?
It’s a transformational experience. We are pushed consistently outside of our comfort zones, and stimulated to learn and develop. I believe, at the end of the journey, I will be a more rounded person.
At Imperial we have slightly more than 60 students in class. A small cohort size truly stretches the students to connect and develop solid relationships throughout the year. In my opinion, the largest chunk of learning comes from the experiences and insights from my peers.
The class is very diverse in terms of nationalities, technical expertise and background. All the five continents are represented… And I am amazed by how my friends tackle business challenges from a very different prospective than mine. I regard this as a huge source of inspiration.
You've worked across different countries in global roles. How valuable is international work experience?
I think this is instrumental in today’s society. The current work environment is globally interconnected no matter the type of industry you are in. I learnt very early on in my career how to adapt to the challenges of operating in an international environment.
Globalization, in my opinion, is another reason for the rising importance of empathy among business leaders. Cross cultural dialogue can easily lead to misunderstanding - empathy is an antidote to this.
You worked for a large European aerospace company. How strong is the current aerospace industry in Europe?
I think the European aerospace industry still has strong fundamentals and technical capabilities spread across the region.
The competition with the big North American corporations can sometimes be very fierce but I do believe there is room for a wave of consolidation in the sector. Competing on a large scale with giants… Can be consuming and aerospace integrators have to continuously seek synergies and cost reductions across their value chain in order to be more competitive.
There have been signs that the boom in aircraft orders of recent years may be coming to an end. Is there a danger that some groups are expanding their production too fast?
The aerospace business is cyclical, aircrafts have a 25-30 year life expectancy therefore the massive renewals of fleets we have seen recently will slow down the production rate.
Consulting sources [have] predicted a bright future for commercial aerospace, while a decline in the captive market. Defense budgets are shrinking and governments continue to be challenged with affordability and competing domestic priorities.
In commercial aerospace, the accelerated replacement cycle of obsolete aircrafts with next generation fuel efficient aircrafts, as well as the continued increases in travel demand especially in Middle East and the Asia Pacific Regions, will bring a 25% increase in production for the next 10 years.
What are your future career goals after completing the MBA?
My ultimate goal is to become a world class professional, capable of developing sustainable businesses that generate jobs and value for stakeholders. I am trying to build a five year plan that would help me to get there.
After completing my MBA, I want to continue working in commercial roles within an international business environment.
I will chose a role that will fully benefit from my previous work experience and from the soft and technical skills that I am developing this year.
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Imperial College Business School