Photo credit: Ferrari + Caballos
We asked MBAs to share the music that they shake down to at parties, that pumps them up for those b-school essays and exams, or reminds them of home.
This is what they’ve got for us - get ready for an eargasm!
Leinar Ramos, sent in “Times they are A-Changin” by Bob Dylan. “This is Dylan in his most prophetic tone”, he said.
“It's a song that has always inspired me. I used to listen to it a lot when I was applying to come to the Lancaster University Management School MBA. It reminds me the importance of challenging the world around us and to aspire for a better future”, said Leinar.
Song choice number two for Leinar was the mellow “Across the Universe” by The Beatles. Leinar finds that this track is the perfect song to relax and reflect.
He said, “The hypnotic, beautiful lyrics helps us reflect about the life around us and to bring some sanity in the busy-ness of our day-to-day. Sometimes we are rushing through our days, this song has always reminded me to stop and notice the beauty.”
Leinar is currently visiting China as one of the many international travel experiences on the Lancaster MBA.
Gad Wavomba, a current Aston Business School online MBA student sent in Lucky Dube “Different Colors”. He listened to that while studying the Business Ethics & Sustainability module. He said, “The song reminds me of how diverse the world is and how similar we all are”.
He listens to BBM by South African group Liquid Deep after a long exam to help relax his mind.
Craig David’s “Rise and Fall” helps Gad realize that he can get through the rough patches on the MBA. The fluid melody and lyrics bring positivity to the roller-coaster ride that an MBA program can be.
He also touts “Earthquake” by London-based artist Labrynth as the perfect pump-up song for GMAT and “Don't Turn Around” by Aswad to remind him of his short-term and long-term goals.
Finally, “America” by K’naan pumps him up. Gad works as an airlines executive for SouthWest Airlines. He learned to fly a plane before he could drive a car. You can read our interview with him here.
Metin Zerman sent in a bunch of songs that he categories as "Chillout", "Classic", “Don’t know. It just makes me happy”, "German pop", "RnB", and "Black".
Some of the songs on his list include “Secret” by Cahb, “Remi” by Kyson, “Raindrops” by Chopin, “Lila Wolken” by Marteria, Yasha and Miss Platinum, “You Know What’s Up” by Donnell Jones and “He Got Game” by Public Enemy.
He is big on variety because he doesn’t like to stick with just one genre and “To be honest, just listening to one genre of music is just stupid”, he wrote.
Metin is a student on the Bradford University School of Management full-time MBA. He’s worked as an engineer in the past but it currently working on creating his online library for borrowing books. You can find our interview with him here.
And now for the jams….We’ve created this awesome (at least we think so!) playlist using SoundCloud. We had to substitute a few of the songs because we can only use tracks already available on SoundCloud (well, that’s what you get when you try to create a playlist online for free).
Enjoy! Feel free to recommend some of your own favourites songs via the comments box below!