The first one, “14 ways to say: Do an MBA at MIP!”, gives you a snapshot of the diversity of the student body on the MBA program at MIP, while in the second video Greta Maiocchi, Head of the MBA Unit at MIP, talks about what the school looks for in prospective candidates.
MIP Politecnico di Milano School of Management merged with Politecnico di Milano, the largest technical university in Italy in 1979. This partnership created a strong foundation in innovation and technology management that continues to attract graduates from Engineering and other science backgrounds.
The location in Italy also creates a fantastic opportunity for people interested in management courses specific to the luxury goods, energy management and manufacturing sectors and the diverse student body will prepare you to work with people from all over the world!
The MBA class of 46 full-time students has nearly 70% international students representing nearly 20 countries.
The faculty this year includes Filippo Passerini, Group President, Global Business Services and Chief Information Office -- Procter & Gamble, who is a visiting professor at the school. He shares some tips on succeeding in today's volatile and complex business world here.
Stefano Mosca, a 2011 MIP MBA, chose the school having had a great experience there as an undergraduate. He is now Operations Excellence Professional with food manufacturer Barrilla Group, the firm where he did his MBA project work. You can read more of our interview with him here (in the video he's the guy at 0:23 with the awesome hair!).
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Greta Maiocchi offers some advice to prospective MBA candidates including what to include in essays and having the right poise for interviews. She says that candidates must be able to clearly communicate their reasons for wanting an MBA, demonstrate their career potential post-MBA and also show a certain level of maturity and readiness for the programme.
For admissions essays, Greta says that candidates must make sure they clearly outline important decisions they've made in their current job, as well as painting a clear picture of their career path to date. They should emphasize how the MBA will help their careerdevelop. In the video below, Greta gives more details on what MIP expects from its MBA applicants. {{video:embed url=""}}
Student Reviews
Polimi Graduate School of Management