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Webinar | MBA Workshop: Acing The MBA Personal Interview & Top Tips For Application Success

Putting your best foot forward and presenting yourself well are two ways to make a good impression during your PI. But how else can you stand out?


Wed Jan 24 2024

An MBA is a highly desirable career choice in India and will arm you with new skills, a wide network, and invaluable professional experience. 

In this BusinessBecause Presents webinar, delivered in partnership with BML Munjal University, we discuss in detail how to prepare for the frequently dreaded element of the MBA application process: the personal interview (PI). 

To find out what you need to know, BusinessBecause editor Sian Phillips spoke with Professer Arup Majumdar, associate professor of practice at BML Munjal University, a very experienced conductor of PIs. 

Key takeaways from this webinar:

⇨ Discover top tips for reducing your stress before and during the PI

⇨ Gain invaluable insight into what the admissions panel are hoping to hear from you

⇨ Understand why doing your homework before the PI could make all the difference on the day

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