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10 Talented Winners Of Prestigious GMAT Scholarship Announced For 2024

What does it take to win a GMAT scholarship? From Ukraine to Mexico, this year’s winners of the GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship are a diverse group of ambitious professionals

Mon Aug 19 2024

Preparing for the GMAT exam—the standardized test used by more than 2,400 global business schools during admissions—presents a significant challenge. Ask most people preparing for the exam and they’ll likely say a similar thing: any assistance is welcome.

That’s why the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), owner and administrator of the test, offers a wide range of resources to help candidates prepare.

Each year, GMAC also offers a select group of 10 test takers the opportunity to receive significant assistance with the exam via its Talent and Opportunity Scholarship. The winners of the 2024 scholarship were recently announced, with each receiving assistance worth around $5,000.

The GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship

Studying for the GMAT exam is a rigorous process, with three different sections to prepare for, each containing a variety of different question types.

Test takers can find a wealth of different prep materials available to them, including section guides, past questions, and study kits. However the GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship is designed to alleviate the financial burden that comes with both preparing for and taking the test.

Aimed at making taking the exam more accessible, the scholarship targets individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, including people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women, and LGBTQ+.

Speaking alongside the opening of applications earlier this year, Nalisha Patel, regional director for Europe at GMAC, said: “At GMAC, we recognize that everyone is an individual, and welcome applications from all backgrounds and sectors, whether traditional or non-business. It’s this diversity that makes business schools thrive.”

This year, each of the winners will receive a significant package including: a voucher covering the full cost of the exam, an instructor-led GMAT exam preparation course, a GMAT Official Practice Exam package, admissions consultancy via the Fortuna Admissions M7 Ignite program, and access to an intercultural preparation course offered by CulturaGo. In recognition of the stress associated with the exam, GMAC also offers scholarship winners a 12-month subscription to the Calm meditation app.

READ: GMAT Test: How To Craft The Perfect Study Plan

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Who are the winners of this year’s GMAT scholarship?

The 10 winners of the GMAT Talent and Opportunity scholarship 2024 hail from across the globe, with Africa, Europe, and SouthEast Asia represented among them. They boast varying levels of professional experience, with expertise in areas such as healthcare, finance, and engineering. 

Meet this year's winners below: 


Applying from the UK, Helen Poon is an M&A investment associate at Accenture—a regular recruiter of business school grads—and a holder of a bachelor’s in Economics. Already wielding a strong financial background, the judges were impressed with Helen’s ambition to leverage an MBA to improve women’s representation and their experiences within the financial sector.



Originally from Zambia, but also based in the UK, is Phillip Siwila. Having experienced hardships growing up and then embarking on a career in electrical engineering, the judges felt Phillip’s dedication to inclusive leadership and developing sustainable growth strategies in renewable energies was worthy of a GMAT Scholarship.



Also from the UK is theology and religion graduate, Sachin. His prior education has helped him embark on a career in the civil service, where he advises governments on projects involving technology, digital transformation, and procurement. Having previously spent time in Japan and India and now desiring to study in the US, the judges were impressed by Sachin’s approach to multiculturalism, as well as his history of volunteering alongside his career.


Alex Sarshar spent time living in three major cities across SouthEast Asia before moving to the UK. At the University of Oxford, he developed his expertise in finance and joined the sector after graduation. As a result of his culturally diverse upbringing, Alex has a passion for diversity and inclusion, with ambitions to further this cause in the corporate sphere. The judges felt this made Alex a standout applicant for this year’s Talent and Opportunity scholarship.



Another winner of this year’s scholarship who holds a background in finance is Rebecca Bystrom. A native of Sweden with experience working in venture capital and with firms such as Morgan Stanley, Rebecca studied Mandarin Chinese in the past and has aspirations to enroll in a Master’s in Asia. The judges felt her international experience and ambition made her a worthy GMAT scholarship winner.



Hailing from nearby Germany, Leon Melzer successfully applied for the scholarship this year. With expertise in psychology and healthcare, Leon’s key strengths in understanding people have formed part of his ambition to marry psychological understanding with a passion for teamwork and community within a business career. The judges acknowledged his innovation, and empathy in awarding Leon a GMAT scholarship.



Tomas Malchus is also a resident of Germany, though originally from Czechia. His application highlighted the experience of growing up in the former Eastern Block and later moving to Germany to study, which he said taught him resilience, empathy, and financial independence. The judges noted Tomas’ diverse life experiences, and praised his ambition to foster an engaging and human environment.



For Sofiia Talakh, a Ukrainian national currently studying her bachelor’s at Kyiv National University of Taras Schevschenko, it was her passion and dedication for finance and diplomacy that most impressed the GMAT scholarship judges. Having completed various courses alongside her degree and participating in diplomatic clubs, the judges felt her commitment and academic achievement in challenging conditions meant she could bring a unique perspective to business school.



Netherlands resident Anastasiya Rozenbaum has had a diverse career so far, spanning Africa, Europe, and Asia and working in healthcare, management, technology, and leadership. Dedicated to working in the humanitarian sector, Anastasiya’s application expressed her commitment to advancing the quality and delivery of healthcare through transformative innovation, as well as an ambition to inspire women to pursue leadership roles. Both of these factors helped win over the judges.



Another healthcare professional, Ana Fuentes grew up in Mexico City and enrolled in medical school at 17. After completing her degree, she completed a community service program helping to provide education to low income children in Mexico City. She applied for the GMAT scholarship with ambitions to combine her technical medical experience with business knowledge, the judges felt this made Ana a candidate who could make meaningful change.


Find out more about the GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship