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Business School Students Prioritise Jobs Offering Remote Work

One in two business school students want to have the option of working remotely and on-site, while nearly a third want fully remote work, a new Highered survey reveals

Tue Aug 9 2022

Remote work is a top priority for incoming business school graduates. One in two current students want to work in a hybrid format—both on-site and remote—while 27% only want to work from home, according to a new survey. 

The study, carried out by Highered—the online careers platform for EFMD—also found that 26% of students wouldn’t work for an employer who didn’t offer remote work. 

Students taking part in the survey said they preferred the flexibility that remote work offers. 

Why do students prefer remote work? 

After spending much of their degrees studying in either a remote or hybrid format, students now recognize the benefits of remote work. 

The survey of 1,041 b-school students revealed some of the key advantages they perceive. These include having increased flexibility over where to live and around family commitments, as well as being able to work according to your own schedule. 

“Having studied remotely for much of the Covid pandemic, students are looking to continue this way of working in their careers,” says Amber Wigmore Alvarez, Chief Talent Officer at Highered. 

“It is a trend that is not going away and is the future for recruitment of graduates from business schools,” she adds.  

The study also highlighted some perceived disadvantages of remote work. 21% of students mentioned a lack of work-life balance. A further 16% also identified a pressure to work outside of normal hours, while 14% felt that an increased sense of isolation was a disadvantage. 

The survey also revealed that students feel remote work requires different attributes to be successful. 

More than a third (35%) said ‘self motivation’ was the most important attribute to work successfully in a remote environment. A further 14% identified adaptability as a key skill. Being disciplined (13%) was also a key requirement, as was time management (10%). 

Despite the unique challenges, 52% of students feel business schools are equipping them with the necessary skills to lead remote teams, a key requirement for future success in the workplace. 

READ: How To Manage Hybrid Teams: 6 Expert Tips


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Can b-schools do more to prepare students for remote jobs?

While over half of students feel prepared to lead in a hybrid workplace, 28% of respondents said business schools weren’t doing enough to prepare them. 

All students were asked how they felt schools could do more. ‘Access to short workshops, courses, or training on employment skills’ and ‘integration of employment skills into degree programs’ were the most popular responses, mentioned by 64% of students. 

A further 60% felt more could be done to provide internship opportunities, while 54% felt more consulting projects should be made available. 

Despite the perceived shortcomings, the study revealed that students are positive about their remote-driven job prospects. A total of 45% of respondents said they  feel there are enough remote and hybrid work roles available to them in the current job market. 

“From our observations with the employers that we work with, the majority of corporate recruiters are adapting to, if not fully remote, hybrid ways of working,” says Amber. 

Next read: 

7 Remote Work Lessons From Around The World