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VIDEO: How To Launch A Startup | Jeff Skinner, London Business School

Jeff Skinner, executive director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at London Business School, shares his advice on how to launch a startup with an MBA

Tue Jan 7 2020

As a professor of entrepreneurship at London Business School, Jeff Skinner has MBA students coming to him on a weekly basis, seeking his advice on how to launch a startup.

His advice? Half pirate, half navy seal. Jeff says these are the two different mindsets that any new business owner should approach entrepreneurship with. The perfect entrepreneur would represent a cross of the two. 

He also reveals one of the whackier ideas that's been pitched to him. It's certainly not something you might have thought of, but with hard work and rigor these entrepreneurs pulled it off.

In this exclusive interview, we spoke to Jeff, who revealed some of his top tips about starting your own business with an MBA. 


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