Professor Freek Vermeulen of London Business School also looks at crisis survival strategies in on his blog “Random Rantings”. In an entry titled: “In a Crisis, Innovate”, he offers examples of how The Independent newspapers and Southwest Airlines survived their own crises to illustrate the importance of innovation during times of hardship: “Don’t just wait for the inevitable to happen; prolonging your decline out of some false hope that you’ll weather the storm. Storms kill; get out of it while you can.”
Former professor John Sviokla of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management eyes BlackBerry’s competition with the iPhone. In his blog “The Near Futurist”, he writes about “How Blackberry’s Storm Could Swamp the iPhone” and proposes several possible responses by Apple. These include lowering the iPhone’s price, an idea given support in the research paper: “Zero as a Special Price: The True Value of Free Products”.