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Executive Assessment Online Prep—3 Ways To Level-Up

Prep smarter, not harder—here are three resources to help you get ready for the Executive Assessment online more effectively

Wed Oct 28 2020


You’re busy, and with everything going on in the world right now finding the time and energy to pull together a winning business school application may feel especially challenging. Luckily, the Executive Assessment (EA) was designed specifically for busy, experienced professionals like you. It offers the convenience and flexibility you deserve and values the knowledge and real-world experience you bring to the table.

Now the assessment has been adapted to a new online format during the pandemic, so you can meet upcoming application deadlines and stand out to Executive MBA and part-time MBA programs in the admissions process.

The EA requires minimal preparation, but you should still plan to put in enough prep time to feel comfortable on your test day. On average, examinees put in between 21 and 30 hours of prep time before their assessment.

The question is: how do you maximize the effectiveness of your Executive Assessment Online prep when your time is limited? 

Here are three resources from the makers of the EA, which will help level up your prep so you feel confident when assessment day rolls around:

1. Hone your online whiteboard strategy

As you prepare for the EA online, you will have the opportunity to use a physical whiteboard, online whiteboard, or both for scratch work and note taking. 

As you prepare for your assessment, think about which option works best for you in for different sections of the assessment.

For example, after putting in some prep time you may find the physical whiteboard is your go-to option for Quant scratch work, but you may prefer to leverage the online whiteboard’s ability to type out notes for the Verbal section. Getting comfortable with knowing when to use each tool will give you confidence going into your testing appointment.

To help you get familiar with the online whiteboard, the makers of the Executive Assessment created a practice tool that has all the same functionality as the version you’ll use on assessment day. 

In the time leading up to your testing appointment, you’ll want to put in some prep with the practice tool to be sure you’ll be ready when it counts. 

2. Go over sample questions

The EA Online has the same Integrated Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning sections as the test center-based exam—with the same number of questions and amount of time for completion.

A great place to begin your prep is with the Executive Assessment Questions Sampler. Use the sampler to get familiar with the variety and structure of the question types you could see on assessment day. It includes nine total questions for you to practice across Integrated Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning, and includes full answer explanations.

Hear how test expert Stacey Koprince, from Manhattan Prep, found the Executive Assessment Online

3. Take advantage of full practice exams

Once you’re familiar with the question types, it’s time to dig in and practice the actual assessment experience. 

Now that the EA has moved online, this has never been easier and never been more important, allowing you to prep like it’s the real thing.

It’s easier in the sense that you can do a practice exam on the same computer in the same space you’ll do it on your testing day. It’s more important because some of the new tools and policies of the online exam require some practice to get comfortable with. 

Consider doing a full assessment practice exam in the space where you’ll do the real thing.

For those who want the most complete official prep offering (and the greatest value), the obvious choice is the Official Practice Premium Collection. The collection includes four full practice exams, 300 practice questions, and full answer explanations.

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