"Since the end of February, Covid-19 has completely changed how our lives and how we work, as we are obliged to stay home," she explains. "This was a big change in my daily life, as what I love the most about my job is being able to connect with people––both students and fellows team members. After an initial moment of shock, the real question became how to organize things to keep everything running in a positive way.
"All teaching activities are now run online, although this new approach to teaching did present some challenges. I am keeping up my personal interactions with students by engaging them through online forums or additional materials, and involving them in workgroup activities.
"The other challenge has been working out how to interact best with my team. We have a set daily meeting with all our teammates––this is to simply to make sure we're all fine, to chat together as we used to do at the coffee station, and to organize our days.
"It's so important to remain close despite the distance," Antonella stresses. "I really look forward to coming back to the university and seeing my colleague
For Online MBA student Giuseppe Stefanetti, his study hasn't been much altered by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic.
"COVID-19 hasn't significantly affected the Online MBA at MIP, as the program is mostly based on a distance-learning methodology," he says. "Online lessons and seminars are still going on, and students are interacting using web platforms. I really appreciate the increase of material available in the platform related to the pandemic, such as advice, articles, live webinars and in-depth analyses of MIP stakeholders.
"As it is for many of us, my routine life has been disrupted by the virus, and I am concerned about the health of my family and friends. Let’s hope we can all get back to normality soon."
Student Reviews
Polimi Graduate School of Management