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Work-Life Balance In Sydney Is Perfect Fit For AGSM MBA at Tata Consultancy!

With a background in tech, Aiyeshwariya Sekar has used an MBA from AGSM to launch a consulting career in Sydney. She says the work-life balance in Sydney is unparalleled!

Wed Oct 30 2013

It is not surprising to hear that Aiyeshwariya Sekar secured a job with Tata Consultancy through networking. Business school graduates know the power of connections in the MBA Jobs world, and after studying an MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management, Aish used connections to broker her first role in Sydney.

She left a career behind in Qatar, a country that could be considered unparalleled in its economic power. Since economic freedom in 2008, the country's Government has sought reforms to enhance the entrepreneurial environment and growth is currently at almost 19 per cent. But it is on the sunny shores of Sydney that Aish has sought to launcher her MBA career.

Despite an unemployment rate in Qatar at an impressive low of 0.4%, Aish found it difficult to secure a job in the region after graduating from AGSM in 2009. Contrary to popular belief, she says, opportunities in the IT industry were sparse. An MBA may be near the pinnacle of business prowess in most countries, but in Qatar, work experience is more valuable.

Considering AGSM sees 86 per cent of students employed within three months of graduation, six months of job hunting in the Qatari market must have seemed an age for Aish. But a brief stint with IBM, managing a $2.8 million project to plan and create infrastructure for the Ministry Of Interior, might have been worth it. Had she not relocated to Australia, Aish would have built a career there.

But four years down the line, and she is enjoying a position at one of the world’s largest IT services, business solutions and consultancy companies. She is officially an employee of Tata Consultancy, but currently works as a contractor for Woolworths – the largest supermarket chain in Australia, not the UK retail business that went bust in 2009.

Aish originally studied a Bachelor of Technology and has enjoyed over four years in IT consulting, leading teams in Singapore, London and New York. But IT can only get you so far in business administration, she says, and Aish found it tough to move up the corporate ladder. “An MBA meant that I would have opportunities to switch careers to something else,” she said.

“So rather than being restricted to one field, I wanted to have the option to move into something else, and an MBA was the key to do that.”

Like many MBA applicants, Aish was passionate about studying in the US, but after a year of applying to American b-schools, she looked at schools in the Asia Pacific region. It has long been thought that many job prospects reside in that region, and AGSM is seen as a gateway into MBA Jobs there.

Aish thrived in the smaller class-sizes on her MBA and the “laid-back culture” in Australia. The international exchange options and career opportunities were what lured her to the country’s top b-school in some MBA Rankings.

“My father was of the view – rightly so - that the US market would reach a saturation point and that there would be better job prospects in the Asia Pacific region,” Aish said.

“What I like about the study-life in Australia is that there is more emphasis on collaboration than competition. Though everyone is competitive, you could always count on your classmates to help you when you needed it.”

The only thing standing in the way of Aish and Sydney was a work visa. She had to apply for an off-shore visa which took longer than can be expected for most MBAs in Australia. MBAs can also get a prospective employer to sponsor them for a permanent residency.

Although Aish has worked across the UK, the Middle East and in India, she has never encountered a better work-life balance than in Australia. “I really enjoy the work-life balance,” she said. “If I have a personal situation, my colleagues and my boss are understanding and very accommodating. This is something I feel is unique to working in Australia.

“I have worked in the UK, in India and in the Middle East and almost every time I have had to compromise on the home-front or try to balance my home life around work. But here that’s not the case. People trust you.”

Sydney is renowned for its vibrant, multicultural atmosphere and Aish enjoyed exploring the city with her MBA classmates. As an undergrad with a technical background, an MBA from AGSM was essential to expose her to management concepts.

Professionals in the IT and technology industries often use MBAs to launch careers, and many b-school grads see technical roles and business management as a perfect combination.

Her MBA has been a key component in her career with Tata Consultancy. “It has helped me identify and analyse business problems on a macro level,” she said. “I am able to see the big picture and how whatever I am doing fits into the scheme of things. In my current project for Woolworths, we are delivering a technology solution for a retail customer across their multiple divisions.

“So when I talk to business users say from the finance team or operations team about what their requirements are, I am able to understand what they are talking about when they use business jargon.

“In the long run I do want to start my own business venture and studying an MBA was crucial for that.”

The Asia Pacific region is one of the most popular destinations to launch an MBA career and with a business masters, this AGSM grad is loving life in Australia.

MBAs will know the power of networking. And while connections may have got her a role with global brand Tata Consultancy, it is AGSM that gave her the business skills to make her career a success.

With an Australian work visa, Aish has not looked back since. 



