At business school, Mohamad hopes to gain more than just the business fundamentals; soft skills, a global network, and an industry placement are also high on the agenda.
Determined to get a high return on his investment, the ambitious engineer is targeting MBA programs at HEC Paris in France and Germany's Mannheim Business School.
What do you hope to gain from an MBA?
I recently realized that my current knowledge is not adequate enough to propel me further in my career. An MBA will enable me to have greater insights on practical business, finance and accounting and marketing.
An MBA would help me to get one step closer to my dream, which is to work at a multinational company outside my home country. It will also give me a global network, a broader range of opportunities and a level of maturity that would normally take years to develop.
What is the value of an MBA to someone working in the mining/metals industry?
My industry is traditionally volatile as the price and demand of products tend to fluctuate, and the steel industry in particular suffers from oversupply.
The metals sector in Indonesia was in a boom period when I started working, but crashed after the government restricted the export of unprocessed metals. As such, few analysts can accurately predict even the short-term future.
MBA graduates, however, are better prepared to address problems, assess risks, deliver solid proposals, and keep businesses running efficiently.
What has been the biggest challenge in the application process so far?
I haven’t officially applied to any school, but I expect that the interview will be the most demanding part, as you’re completely on your own and unlike the GMAT, if you make a mistake you don’t get another chance.
How are you preparing for the GMAT?
My main source of prep has been Magoosh and CrunchPrep, as I prefer to study online at my own pace. I also use ETS PowerPrep II software, Manhattan 5lb. book and Princeton Review book for practice source and vocabulary building. I also downloaded some apps onto my mobile phone from Magoosh, Barron, and Manhattan.
As English is not my mother tongue, I've been struggling with the verbal section of the test, as there are many exotic and challenging words to learn. Around 80% of my study time is being spent on vocabulary. For the quantitative section, I've just been focusing on finishing within the time limit.
How do you plan to fund your MBA?
I am actively looking for scholarships and fellowships to fund my MBA study. I am also considering a student loan to complement my personal savings.
What advice do you have for others considering an MBA?
Only consider schools that suit your profile and objectives. Meanwhile, prepare in advance for the GMAT or the GRE as it takes months to get the most desirable results. Last but not least, apply to the business schools early, as scholarships and acceptance rates usually decrease over time .
What do you do for fun?
I love playing football, though I usually only have the time for running. Traveling is also a love of mine, although I am restricted to South-East Asia. Perhaps an MBA in Europe would allow me to experience more of the world!