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The University of Bath School of Management Q+A

Biotechnologist Meenakshi Ram interned at a pharma firm in Singapore during her MBA in the UK

By  Ifeatu Nnaobi

Sat Jan 21 2012


Meenakshi Ram graduated from the University of Madras with an MSc in Biotechnology in 2005. She worked in increasingly senior research roles in two major Indian pharmaceutical firms, but embarked on the Bath MBA to learn to think "more laterally". We caught up with Meenakshi, who graduated from Bath in 2011, to find out more about how the MBA has been useful to her. 

Where did you grow up?
I was born in India and have lived all my life there. I went on trips and tours to different countries but never lived outside the country until I left for my Bath MBA.

Was it difficult adjusting to life in Bath?
It has certainly been an intense experieince adapting to a new city and culture. However, life in Bath boils down to friends. I had already made many friends from the Facebook group and forum. It was just a matter of meeting people face to face and settling in which was very easy.

Your first and second degrees were in Biochemistry and Biotechnology respectively? What got you interested in those fields?
My first degree was purely a random choice but after my first year I really began to enjoy it. It was fun and challenging. I also had a year of training in a cancer care centre and this motivated me to do a Master in Biotechnology.

Why did you decide to do an MBA?
After my masters, I worked at Wockhardt, a global pharmaceutical firm, before moving to Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. I was doing well with my career but the feedback I kept getting from supervisors was that I needed to think more laterally. I decided I needed to do something different. An MBA was the obvious choice. I wasn’t interested in a Phd because I did not want to do research.

Why did you choose Bath?
I wanted a school where there was a smaller-than-average class size because I did not want to be overwhelmed by a large cohort. We have became a community. Also, at Bath, the faculty and staff are very approachable and always have time to attend to you.

How is studying business different from studying sciences?
Studying business is extremely different from studying sciences. I found that science has very strict rules and procedures whereas in business there is no right or wrong. Science is something you can excel at with a lot of hard work but business is a package of aptitude and mindset.

Are there any modules that you particularly enjoyed?
The Bath MBA featured a personal leadership module which for me was the whole MBA. This module focused on the need to constantly reflect on everything you do. It is one module that has enlightened me the most. It has also helped me a lot with looking for jobs; in knowing what the employer wants and how to present myself to meet that.

Have you made any lasting memories?
The entire experience has been memorable but working with my study group has been incredible. We created the group voluntarily because we thought it would help us with case studies and projects. It turned out to be the perfect mix of people and personalities from many different backgrounds. Being on an MBA there is not much time for socializing or other activities but within the group of Bath MBA students there were many dinners and drinks and these were all wonderful.

Whats next for you after your MBA?
I’m looking to stay in the UK or relocate to Singapore. My MBA internship was with IMS Health in Singapore and it was a great experience working in such a beautiful country. I also have an offer from my previous employers and so that is definitely a very good option too! 




