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York University: Schulich

Considering a full-time MBA? These 50 top MBA programs are ranked by their popularity

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You might have heard the acronym NFT thrown about recently, but what exactly is an NFT? And why is this new blockchain trend a big deal? Business school professors pitch in

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With the US election coming up in November, we ask business school professors what a Biden or Trump presidency could mean for big tech, energy, and foreign trade

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The new Positive Impact Rating asks students to rank their schools based on their positive impact on society. We tell you which business schools came out on top

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The Schulich School of Business is York University's business school located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is an internationally-ranked business school

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  • Economist FT Mba RANKING: 66
  • Applicants Per Year: 843
  • Applicants Admitted Percentage: 26
  • Class Size: 591
  • International Student Percentage: 83
  • Female Percentage: 34
  • Course Length: 16
  • Employed Graduates Percentage: 85
  • Salary Increase Percentage: 100
  • Average Gmat: 500
  • Course Fee: USD 50,000
  • Application Deadline: February (rolling after depending on avaliability)
  • Aspen Inst Ranking: 2
  • Living Expenses: 28940
  • Businessweek Ranking: 0
  • Economist Ranking: 41