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Pennsylvania State University: Smeal College of Business

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The Smeal College of Business is the business school of Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

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  • FT Ranking: 86
  • FT Ranking Global MBA: 63
  • Economist FT Mba RANKING: 50
  • Applicants Per Year: 487
  • Applicants Admitted Percentage: 32
  • Class Size: 186
  • International Student Percentage: 43
  • Female Percentage: 32
  • Scholarships Available: 20
  • Course Length: 21
  • Employed Graduates Percentage: 78
  • Salary Increase Percentage: 125
  • Average Gmat: 650
  • Course Fee: USD 45,708
  • Application Deadline: December (February*, April**) *International **Domestic
  • Accredited: AACSB
  • Living Expenses: 14250
  • Businessweek Ranking: 45
  • Economist Ranking: 61