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Polimi Graduate School of Management

Hear what it's like to study on the International Master In Digital Innovation & New Business Design at POLIMI Graduate School of Management from two students on the program

chat icon - bootstrap icon libray25 Aug 2022

Find out everything you need to know about POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s New Generation MBA, including class profile, curriculum, cost, and more

chat icon - bootstrap icon libray1 Aug 2022

Venera Aisarinova used an MBA to bring her sustainable business venture to life. She’s now an established entrepreneur tackling fast fashion

chat icon - bootstrap icon libray29 Oct 2020

Which companies hire MBAs from MIP Politecnico Di Milano? What do they earn? Is the school right for you? Find out in our MBA jobs and salary review

chat icon - bootstrap icon libray23 Oct 2020

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Student Reviews

Polimi Graduate School of Management





Great technology competences related to the financial world

The program offers great technological and concrete competencies of the technology applied to the financial sector. Students are highly motivated and fun to be around. The courses are highly linked to innovative and forward-looking topics and deliver great career prospects.




On Campus

Master in FinTech

Mip is a very organised school, the program of the Fintech master is really interesting and covers a lot of useful fields. I believe the Carrer Development Center and the network of companies the school has is one of the best features of this master. Suggested if u are interested in finance technologies and the interaction between them.





MIP Politecnico di Milano was totally a gamechanger for me, I learned a lot and the exposure I got while studying here was unlimited. This university is very flexible and student friendly, the professors are highly qualified and are devoted to their work. The best part about this university is that if you have free time in your course, you can sit for other courses as well of your choices, being a civil engineer I always had affinity towards design, as I got a weeks off from my course I used to attend design lectures with other batches. This was really helpful to me.