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Simon Lovick

Simon Lovick is a contributor to BusinessBecause

Simon's recent articles

  • Clubhouse | Here's what you need to know about the new social media app ©Marco Verch
  • What are NFTs? Find out from our definitive guide on the new blockchain trend—©jm1366
  • Iris and Arjun both landed jobs at innovative tech companies after their PKU MBA
  • H1B visa suspension lifted | The end of the H-1B visa ban marks a significant shift from Trump-era immigration policies © Trump White House Archived via Flickr
  • UT Austin McCombs tops the best MBA accounting programs (Credit: McCombs Facebook)
  • What will the office of the future look like? ©Vasyl Dolmatov
  • H-1B Visa Suspension: Business schools candidates are poised to see Biden's approach to visas and immigration ©Gage Skidmore
  • Venture capital is a key part of the entrepreneurship program at Georgetown McDonough
  • Business analytics: George Mason MBA students learn how to analyze, scrub, and visualize large data sets ©GaudiLab
  • The UK government will offer free MBA style online courses to small businesses ©DZarzycka