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This MBA Works With Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning At Google Cloud

Macaulay Iyayi took the MBA at Aston Business School to advance his career in tech. Now he’s got a contract job at Google


By  Robert Klecha

Thu Jan 18 2018

Macaulay Iyayi was working at an online careers startup when he decided to undertake an MBA at the UK’s Aston Business School. His goal was simple—he wanted to further his career in the tech industry.

After graduating, he worked briefly for PwC—developing a digital client portal for PwC Tax to engage with its clients—before joining Google Cloud, working in EMEA scaled partnerships.

He credits the Aston MBA, ranked fifth in the UK and 26th in Europe in the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2017, for catapulting his career new heights.

How are you applying your MBA learnings in your current role at Google Cloud?

The MBA enhanced my understanding of strategy and operations, which has been vital in my current role at Google Cloud.

My MBA skills have helped me develop a consultative approach to explain complex technologies—like artificial intelligence and machine learning—to partners. I’ve also applied my advanced strategy methodologies to develop joint ventures that will help accelerate the distribution of digital products which transform the business models of small and medium businesses.

Strategic marketing has also helped me in determining the pricing, competitive landscape and marketing investment required to accelerate the go-to-market plan of Google’s enterprise ready digital products.

We also had emotionally driven ethics lectures during the Aston MBA over what is more important to a business; ethics ahead of the businesses’ interests or the businesses’ interests ahead of ethics. Contractual decisions can involve engaging with ethics and compliance, so having this knowledge base from the Aston MBA has prepared me to understand the language of Google’s policies.

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA at Aston Business School?

I was seeking to develop new skills to accelerate my professional career in the software industry. The Aston MBA was one of several full-time MBA programs that I was considering. However, the Aston MBA was highly recommended for accelerating career development and for those seeking a career change.

Furthermore, Aston’s recruitment team recognized my potential and offered me an Academic Excellence Scholarship. Hence, I decided to study the Aston Business School MBA full-time.

What was the highlight of your MBA experience?

During the degree, I got to travel to Toulouse in France with my peers and experience the business culture of an industrial town. Visiting an amazing aerospace location was amongst the many activities—this included visiting the ‘Airbus village’ and seeing the largest, and one of the most expensive, passenger airlines in the world; Airbus 380. Airbus also provided us with insight into its autonomous air transport plans in the next 50 years!

This was an amazing experience, however, equally important was taking a step out of the busy MBA schedule and building a closer relationship with my peers. Throughout my MBA at Aston Business School, there were so many funny moments, dinners, nights out, and memorable sights that we visited. It will stick in my memory for life.

What advice do you have for anyone considering an MBA?

Think about what you need right now in your professional career and what skills you will need to meet your career plans in the future. Then consider how the overall MBA program, including the alumni, careers support and reputation, will help you develop the skills you need.

You will need to do your research and I recommend visiting the business school to meet lecturers, students, and to get a taste of where you will be investing your future. Think positively about this unique opportunity in your life to transform and accelerate your career.




