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I Left Standard Chartered India To Begin An MBA In The UK — Here's Why

Joseph John values Lancaster University Management School's practical approach to learning

Sat Jul 16 2016

Such was the appeal of an MBA in the UK that Joseph John left a six-year career at Standard Chartered, the emerging markets-focused bank, to enrol at Lancaster University Management School.

He had worked as an associate manager at StanChart, based in Chennai and Bangalore in India, in the loans processing unit, for three years. But the MBA program at LUMS, ranked no 35 globally by the Financial Times, proved alluring.

In particular, Joseph values LUMS’ focus on “Action Learning” — practical approaches to modules. On the LUMS MBA, real-life consultancy projects and business challenges help MBA students apply and assimilate their learning.

Previously, Joseph joined StanChart as a graduate trainee, after getting a bachelor's degree in commerce in Bangalore. He worked his way up through the ranks to team leader, a role he held in Chennai, before becoming an associate manager.

How can MBAs really impress the StanChart hiring team?

I was fortunate to have a manager, who to date is still my mentor, who used to always advise me to approach a situation with critical questions. I never valued and practiced it as much as I did in the MBA. Be it in a case study analysis, report, or module discussion, asking questions critically was key. I think this is important [to StanChart recruiters] particularly in banking operations, where the risk level is very high.

What is the best lesson you’ve learnt during your career at the bank?

Over the years, I learnt that it was always important to consider both sides of the coin before any implementation of a project, process or improvement. To achieve this, it was always important to observe and listen to your seniors, peers and subordinates’ opinions and ideas.

What should people know about LUMS before they apply?

Future students should know that the management are very approachable, and faculty are insightful. And it will be a diverse experience, thanks to a diverse MBA cohort.

Did you apply to any other business schools, and what made you pick LUMS’ MBA over others?

I did apply to other business schools in the UK. There are times when you just have to listen to your intuition, or respond to your gut feeling. Upon extensive browsing of ranking pages, comments/blogs on webpages, and videos of the various universities, LUMS stood out. The Action Learning and practical approach to modules are what I always yearned for. And, of course, connecting with other students who have done programs in LUMS and other universities helped me make my decision.

What are your plans upon graduation?

I always thought that the phrase, “an MBA opens new doors with respect to your future career”, was very clichéd! But it actually holds true.

But I would like to go back into banking and finance-related roles, as I feel I have scratched only the surface of the vast technical context of this sector, and hence would like to seek opportunities to be a specialist in a particular area in the future.

Student Reviews

Lancaster University Management School




An exceptional educational establishment in the North West of England.

This university has been a fantastic life experience as well as a great academic one. I first decided to go to Lancaster University Management School due to its exceptional business education facilities and have not been disappointed. I recommend the university to anybody that wants to put themselves in a strong position for a career upon graduation.




On Campus

Student Ambassador

Overall, the instruction is decent, however it also depends on your department. The people are friendly, in my opinion. The sporting events are enjoyable, and there is a good sense of community. Although the city is quite remote, it is nonetheless attractive.




Lancaster University honest review

The education system in the university is excellent especially that of the Management School. The campus has great facilities for students to study and live in a relaxed manner. The students can engage in various activities through the socities.




Great opportunities to think beyond

Lancaster University provides a lot of good opportunities to think beyond.There Entrepreneurship in residence program helps students to meet and seek guidance about entrepreneurship and the challenges.Their Work in progress program help to fabricate your startup idea and further to pitch to the potential investors.Apart from that there are lot of programs like Enactus, guest lectures and guidance from seniors to help and shape your career needs. They provide lot of opportunities to shape up your employability skills.




On Campus

A top university in the UK for management science!

If you’re interested in management science studies, Lancaster University is one of the top universities in the UK. The faculty is renowned and have a sterling reputation for research in management science. Candidates specifically interested in Forecasting would find the Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting especially relevant to their field. Besides, the ROI is good as the overall cost compared to other universities is less.




Great university for academia – not great for 'entrepreneurs'

Please keep in mind that my review is nuanced by my expectations of an Entrepreneurship degree :) I came to Lancaster University because it was one of the top universities to have a course in Entrepreneurship. After 4 years in this degree, my most valuable experience has been my placement and not the actual course. The course is heavily focused on impractical elements, which is a bit odd for an Entrepreneurship degree. There are some modules that involve hands-on work but the faculty support for such things has not been great. My course also involved a lot of teamwork which has been fantastic and really prepared me when it comes to dealing with the diversity of opinions. In terms of career prospects, the management school does A LOT to host events, workshops and support sessions to help you build up your employability skills. Although, I wish there was more acknowledgement of SMEs/startups as a viable career option. The entrepreneurship team which is meant to support budding businesses is really stepping up their game with tons of guest speakers, workshops and pitching opportunities. The location is a concern if you're not in STEM, Law or Accounting and Finance. Business requires networking with the broader community. However, for Lancaster students, the best bet is a trip down to Manchester or London. On the flip side, living in Lancaster is much cheaper! Overall, if the purpose of your university experience is to receive top academic education and have great facilities at your disposal, Lancaster is a great choice. But if you want to be in business and entrepreneurship, I would look elsewhere.




